Our team

Most of our trainers are current or former professionals in the fields they teach. This makes The Science Lab an excellent place for students to learn by doing. Not only do they share their subject knowledge but also how that knowledge applies to their real-life situations/jobs. Students get to experience what it’s like to have a career in their chosen field, whether it be biologist, investment banking or mathematician.

Our Tutors

The Science Lab is proud to present our esteemed teachers, each with their special skills in their profession.

Ms Chan (MSc Mathematics for Educators – NIE, BSc Applied Mathematics – NUS) , has had more than 10 years of experience teaching Mathematics to Primary, Secondary and Junior College students. She is a Math genius who passes on her love and ingenuity for Math to her students.

Dr Justin Ng is a biology fanatic with an innate ability to pass on passion and aptitude in biology to others. Sometimes known to his students as the “Batman” due to his extensive research into bats as a viral vector, Dr Ng has taught biology at O/A/IB/IGCSE for the last 6 years.

Mr JJ Chen is Keppel Group Scholar 2003 and a NUS graduate in engineering. Mr Chen is involved in numerous startups across many industries and act as Lead Consultant in Keppel FELS for 4 years Nov 2010 – 2015. He is also Council member of Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Singapore


Select sudents at TSL get access to consult with our mentors for university admissions, scholarship applications, career application/preparation with TSL

Dr Wong D.R

Dr Wong D.R is a GIC Scholar and a Current Vice President in GIC

Mr Kenny Lee

Kenny is a hedge fund manager with over 1 Billion AUM (Assets under management) and graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Pennsylvania at The Wharton School.